Supporting Transitions

Becoming part of the Canterbury Road Family

Starting nursery can be a challenging time for both children and their families but don’t worry, we’re here for you every step of the way.

A few weeks before you are due to start with us, you will be invited to attend a welcome meeting, designed to build support systems and develop relationships with other parents and carers. During this session you will have the opportunity to learn more about our nursery, meet the family coordinator and share your individual wishes and requests. After all, this journey is unique to you and your family.

We provide a minimum of three weeks of free settling in sessions for all families, tailored around your individual needs. During the initial session, you will meet with the family coordinator whilst your child explores their new environment. We will discuss and document your child’s interests, routine, and any specific needs they may have. We will also complete a ‘starting points’ form and an Ages and Stages Questionnaire, to ensure we have all the information we need to support your child.

We are passionate about listening to the voice of the child, and for this reason our children always choose their own key person. This could be the person they gravitate towards most frequently, or for older children they may verbalise their wishes. The key person will then be your primary contact in nursery.

Once your little one has attended for 6-8 weeks, we will get together to discuss their progress and ensure you are happy with all aspects of the nursery. Progress meetings are a great opportunity to discuss learning and development, share Wellcomm assessment scores and discuss early intervention where needed.

Room Transition

When the time comes for your little one to transition into the next room, all familiar processes from when children first settle into Nursery are repeated. Your child’s key person and our Family Co-ordinator will support you throughout this process, including welcoming you and your child into the new room and introducing you to the Nursery practitioners. Throughout these settles you will be kept up to date of your child’s visits through photographs, updates and discussions.